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Teaching Kids Bike Safety Through Play! + Free Printable “Driver’s License”

There are so many things we need to teach our children and it can seem overwhelming. Teaching kids bike safety doesn’t have to be boring though! Teach your kids bike safety in a fun way through play with these fun ideas. They’ll have no idea it is really a learning session. They’ll think you’re just a totally cool parent that set up a fun bicycle day for them!


Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!


My kids LOVE riding their bikes and it is a daily occurrence around here. We have the blessing of living in the country so they typically can just ride around our large yard and I don’t have to worry about traffic, but we also love camping and they ride their bikes at the campground where cars, trailers and distracted campers are a common occurrence. Teaching our kids bike safety was top of the list and we are sure to revisit these tips every year. So how can we make it FUN so we know our kids are listening and participating in the discussion? I have some really FUN ideas for you to use.


Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!


Teaching Kids Bike Safety

Follow the fun activities below to teach your kids all about bike safety! At the end of their driver’s class they’ll be rewarded with a Bicycle License “driver’s license” that they can proudly carry. It makes achieving the goal of safety much more fun!


Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!


#1.) Always wear a helmet. Make this lesson fun with DIY helmet designs!

Don’t even think about getting on a bike or scooter without your helmet. Helmets are essential and protect your noggin. Make wearing a helmet FUN with these genius DIY bike helmets from Wipeout! With these dry erase helmets kids can decorate their own bike helmets with their own unique designs. Once they tire of that, just wipe it off and create a new design! Wipeout makes safety fun! With a helmet as unique as they are, kids will want to wear their helmets, meaning they will be safer when on their bikes, skateboards, roller-skates and scooters or enjoying sledding and snow sports.


Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!


The Wipeout Dry Erase Helmet package includes the Dry Erase helmet, 5 Dry Erase markers in assorted neon colors and 8 stencil designs, for $29.99. The sturdy and stylish helmet is made of ABS hard-shell construction with an EPS liner for durability. It is certified for safety protection for roller sports, including biking, skateboarding, roller-skating and scooters, for kids ages 3 to 14. There’s even a Snow version of the Dry Erase helmet, with ear flaps and a goggle clip, for sledding and snow sports. I can tell you firsthand the snow version is smart to have! My daughter once got a concussion from falling off a sled!


Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!

Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!


Check out how easy and fun these helmets are to decorate! My kids had a blast at their bike helmet design station!!



Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!


#2.) Don’t forget protective pads. Make this fun by designing your own pads!

Wipeout has you covered here too! With dry erase protective pads your kids won’t fight you on wearing them. Set up a design station and decorate the bike pads with their own unique styles. Wipeout Dry Erase Protective 3-Pack includes kneepads, wrist guards, elbow pads, and 2 markers, for $24.99. Pads come in Black, Teal, Neon Pink and Zest.


Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!


Want more fun design ideas? Wipeout has developed a series of step-by- step photo and video tutorials to inspire kids to get the most out of Wipeout, as well as design printouts kids can follow and you can follow them on Facebook, twitter, and instagram!


Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!


#3.) Watch for cars and look both ways.

Set up cones and practice stopping at the intersection and looking both ways, then waiting for a grown up to give the all-clear to cross the street.


#4.) Obey road signs and don’t forget to stop at intersections.

Practice pointing out road signs and what they mean. Make sure they know to stop at a stop sign, stop when they see a yield sign and practice the crosswalk signals.


#5.) Wear bright clothing so you are easy to see.

Help your kids pick out their brightest clothes. Make a game of it by putting together the most silly, colorful, bright outfit you can!


#6.) Practice riding around the cones for agility.

Set up cone courses and have kids practice riding through them, weaving in and out of them and riding along them like it is a road.


Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!


Once the kids complete these 6 bike safety activities they are qualified to receive their official Bicycle License that they can add their photo to and sign! After they add their photo and sign the license, laminate it so it will be durable. My kids LOVED feeling so official and they definitely took bike safety more seriously because they felt the added responsibility of having earned their bicycle license. The safety activities made for a really fun day of play and they learned while playing. They can recite bike safety by heart and I rest easier knowing they are up on the safety standards and outfitted in bike safety gear. They are proud to wear their Wipeout gear with their very own designs on it! They love switching designs to match their mood or their outfit. It is a LOT of fun. We’ve found the Wipeout gear is a really great Birthday gift idea for their friends too.


Buy Supplies to Teach Kids Bike Safety:

This fun dry erase bike protective gear is from Wipeout and is available at Toys R Us, Target, Academy, Scheel’s, Amazon and other leading retailers.


Wipeout Youth 3-Pack Pad, Pink, MediumWipeout Youth 3-Pack Pad, Pink, MediumWipeout Youth (5+) Dry Erase Helmet, Hot Pink, MediumWipeout Youth (5+) Dry Erase Helmet, Hot Pink, MediumDazzling Toys Pack of 12 7 Inch Orange Plastic Traffic ConesDazzling Toys Pack of 12 7 Inch Orange Plastic Traffic Cones6-pc Incredible Inflatable Traffic Signs Pretend Play Cars Toy Outdoor Indoor6-pc Incredible Inflatable Traffic Signs Pretend Play Cars Toy Outdoor IndoorClassroom Career Outfits For Kids- Road Worker with Vest, Helmet and Stop SignClassroom Career Outfits For Kids- Road Worker with Vest, Helmet and Stop SignScotch TL901C-T Thermal Laminator, 2 Roller System, Fast Warm-up, Quick Laminating Speed (White)Scotch TL901C-T Thermal Laminator, 2 Roller System, Fast Warm-up, Quick Laminating Speed (White)Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouches, 8.9 x 11.4-Inches, 3 mil thick, 100-Pack (TP3854-100)Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouches, 8.9 x 11.4-Inches, 3 mil thick, 100-Pack (TP3854-100)Neenah Exact Index, 110 lb, 8.5 x 11 Inches, 250 Sheets, White, 94 BrightnessNeenah Exact Index, 110 lb, 8.5 x 11 Inches, 250 Sheets, White, 94 Brightness


Print the Bicycle “Driver’s License”:

Click the image below or click here to print the free Bicycle safety “Driver’s License” for your kids! Just download it, print it on paper and then laminate it after you add your child’s photo and signature. It will last much longer if you laminate it!



Free printable bike safety license to teach kids bicycle safety through play. Fun pretend play driver's license for kids.


Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!



Pin the Bike Safety Activities:


Teach your kids bike safety through play! Fun activity to decorate bike helmet, free printable bicycle license and cone course!


*This post is part of a sponsored campaign. I received compensation for my participation, but my review and opinions are my own.

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  1. My daughter loves to color and draw on everything I love that she can design her own helmet then wipe it off

  2. I think this is an amazing idea! I love all these ideas to make safety fun. I think Wipeout is brilliant as well. Helmet wearing is crucial. Why not make it fun? And in a way where kids can feel like they’ve produced a masterpiece, rather than just promote their favorite character?

  3. Great article. It will hold up well for me and others who use it. Keep up the good work you are doing; I look forward to reading more of your articles.

  4. Thank you for creating these darling licenses and for sharing them for free. I’ve used them twice for my kids and their friends within the years, and it has been a hit every time!

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