What’s My Metabolic Type?

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, what’s my metabolic type, you are not alone. Simply put, your metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Knowing how your metabolism works is key to losing weight.

What's My Metabolic Type?

Many women are constantly dieting and exercising to try and lose weight. What we often miss out on is how our metabolism works and the role it plays in losing weight. Your basal metabolism cannot be changed, but you can learn what it is and enhance fat burn, lose weight & boost energy naturally.

What’s My Metabolic Type?

Once available only to top athletes, in hospitals and clinics, metabolic testing is now available to everyone with Lumen.

Lumen uses a CO2 sensor and flow meter to determine the CO2 concentration in a single breath. This indicates the type of fuel your body is using to produce energy.

How Does Lumen Work?

Lumen provides you with daily measurement of your source of energy: fats or carbs on a scale of 1 to 5, based on your RER (Respiratory exchange ratio). Lumen then uses these measurements to provide you with a flex score, showing you how flexible your metabolism is. The measurement is a comprehensive evaluation of your metabolism initially based on 4-8 weeks of measurements and other tracked metabolic factors to determine your flexibility.

So now that you know how Lumen works, how can that information help you?

What's My Metabolic Type?
Lumen provides the insights you need daily to understand how your diet impacts your body, and guidance to keep you on track. Get daily updates on if you should have a low carb or higher carb day, as well as other actionable insights on your sleep, workouts, and meal timing. Lumen tracks your sleep, nutrition, and exercise in order to provide you with a score that reflects how healthy your metabolism is.

I love that Lumen can show me not only how to eat for a day but it also gives you great eating plans so you can be sure you are eating right. Interested in trying Lumen?Get $30 off with code: MustHavemom.Learn More here.

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