Step2 Gather & Grille Outdoor Playhouse Review

With Summer just around the corner it has me thinking of outdoor toys. One thing that I always wanted as a child was an outdoor playhouse. Step2 is the maker of so many amazing playhouses and I knew that my kids just had to have one. Step2 makes such high quality toys that I naturally looked to them to choose a fun playhouse for my kids that I know will last for many years to come. We chose the new Gather & Grille Playhouse and what a great choice it was!

When the playhouse arrived my husband immediately got to work assembling it. He is the #1 toy assembler in our house and it isn’t always a job he enjoys. He said that the playhouse was even fun to put together which shocked me. I was amazed to hear that he even enjoyed assembling it!

I love that the playhouse is setup so that many kids can play in it at once. You are not limited to the number of people that can fit inside of it because of the “outdoor patio” setup attached to the playhouse. This makes it easy for children to play both inside of it and on the patio. That means that your children and all of their friends can easily play with it without fighting over who can fit inside of it. As you can see in the picture my daughter’s friends were having a great time!

The Gather & Grille Playhouse outdoor patio features a child size bench and BBQ for kids to play with. The playhouse also includes a 5 piece accessory set which has 3 BBQ tools and bottles of ketchup and mustard, everything you need to have a cookout! I love that Danika and her friends can pretend to have a BBQ party while the adults have one as well! The grill has a great decal of food grilling on it. Danika likes to “grill” dandelions and “spinach” (grass). In the picture they are having a great time cooking up some sand creations.

Your child’s imagination can run wild with the Gather & Grille Playhouse. This is the perfect playhouse for larger families too because it can accommodate many kids at once. The heavy duty plastic is super durable and will withstand your child’s playtime activities for a long time to come.

The lid on the BBQ opens and closes and the tools hang nicely on hooks below the controls.

The child size bench is perfect for entertaining guests at the cookout!

Inside the playhouse there is a stove and sink for fun pretend cooking indoors. There is also a fireplace and clock on the mantle. A pantry decal completes the inside!

The Gather & Grille playhouse features a dutch door, large windows and a real, working doorbell! Danika absolutely loves ringing the door bell and answering the door. I think it is so cool that the doorbell actually rings!

You can buy the new Gather & Grille Playhouse on Amazon.  You can also buy it at retailers near you.

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  1. We would love one of the sand/water tables, we already have plenty of sand at the creek!

    jill dot shoemaker at gmail dot com

  2. I really love the Naturally Playful® Cottage Combo! Actually, all of the Naturally Playful collection is soooo cute and classy!

    aseipel at pmmilwaukee dot com

  3. I would love to get the play up toddler swing and slide. We don't have room for a real swing set and dont have any trees to hang a tree from, so this would be perfect!

  4. Well, I don't know if it's for summer or not, but I'd love to have the Explore & Store Elephant Gym for my grandbaby! Step2 has some really fantastic educational toys…

  5. What a great giveaaway! We'd love the Gather & Grille Playhouse, but I also like the Jr. Picnic Table and the Front Porch Playhouse. Their toys are long lasting, but best of all, promote imaginative play!

    mrsalissap at yahoo dot com

  6. I have 4 grandkids here everyday,I like it ALL, but if I'm wishing I'm wishing BIG:naturally playful adventure lodge play center with glider(free shipping)…veeery nice giveaway,thanks

  7. The Skyward Summit climber (it looks like a rocky mountain) would be sooo cool. I need to make my backyard fun. The kids are always trying to get out!

  8. I love the Naturally Playful® Clubhouse Climber for my daughter! Oh to be young again!

    havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com

  9. I would like to have the KidAlert! visual warning signal. My ds just learned how to ride a two wheel bike and although I'm out with him I think having the KidAlert! by the road would be a nice warning for drivers.

  10. I would love any of the sand and water tables. I bookmarked that site and i will be buying one for my daughter for her birthday in August!!

    mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

  11. The playhouse is awesome. I also love the Naturally Playful® Sand & Water Activity Center. My boys are just drawn to dirt! At least this would be 'clean' dirt. LOL

    harryandjules -at-

  12. I Like Step2 on Facebook (jemme elle) and let them know Minnesota Mama's Must Haves sent me.


  13. i just moved and would love the adventure log playset with glider! anna_marie_johnson at yahoo dot com

  14. We could also really use the Naturally Playful® Picnic Table with Umbrella. Thanks for the giveaway.

  15. Hello, another summer product of Step2 that would be cool to have is their Naturally Playful® Adventure Lodge Play Center with Glider. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  16. I would love to get my two grandkids the Play & Shade Patio set…I love the colors too!

    thanks so much!

    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

  17. I follow Step 2 on Facebook and let them know I came right from your blog!

    Eileen Richter

    thanks much!

    ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

  18. Another summer product that we would love to own is the Naturally Playful Adventure Lodge Play Center. This Playhouse is wonderful! Thank you for the chance to win.

  19. My son would absolutely love the naturally playful adventure lodge play center w/ glider! Wish I could afford something like that!
    writeroxie at gmail dot com

  20. The first three times I tried to "Like" Step 2 on FB, I received the following message:

    Warning: This Message Contains Blocked Content
    Some content in this message has been reported as abusive by Facebook users.

    I kept trying, and told them you sent me.

  21. We'd also love the Skyward Summit – it looks like that would last us a long time, since the boys are still pretty small.

    jdeemarie @

  22. There are soooo many Step2 products we have and LOVE! I am oogling over a see saw that matches a climber we have right now…


  23. Great giveaway girl! Love your site as well! Oh i hope i get this because we don;t have a big yard and my son needs something to play in! I went to their site and I would get the All in 1 sports play trainer. he loves to play with different sports balls.

  24. My kids would *love* the Extreme Coaster in our backyard. I'm not sure I'd love it as much. 🙂

    The playhouse would surely be a hit, too.

    mombalance at gmail dot com

  25. I love the Naturally Playful Exploring Nature Combo. So much fun for days outside all summer long.

    dixiedotsons at hotmail dot com

  26. I like the Play Up Gym Set. We said we wouldn't get a swingset until we moved, but with that being over another year away, this would work! Small enough, yet big enough!

    driscosr (at) hotmail (dot) com

  27. My kids love the Step2 Naturally Playful® Welcome Home Playhouse (but then, that might be because it is at Grandma's house).

    Lance justtrashemailyahoocom

  28. I think my children would like the sand tables. We have a water table for indoors during the long and cold winters in AK but a sand table would make a great addition.
    spiphibus at gmail dot com

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