Make your own Triple Paste Diaper Cream!

I don’t know about you but we go through a lot of diaper cream in our house. Especially when my daughter is teething we notice her bottom gets red VERY easily. One product I tried that worked the best was Triple Paste. The price however was not working very well for me. The cheapest I could find it was $18.99 a tub at Target. So I set out to make my own. With a little research I have found a combination that works better than the Triple Paste. So go ahead and make your own triple paste! Here is the recipe:Mix: 1/2 C Vaseline (store brand is cheapest unless you have a coupon)
1/2 tube of Desitin or other creamy diaper cream
2 Tbsp cornstarch
2 Tbsp Mylanta liquid (again unless you have a coupon the store brand is cheapest)

Stir together until creamy. If it seems a little too liquidy I add a little more Desitin.
Apply at every diaper change until rash is completely gone.
Store in an airtight container for later use.
Hope this works as good for you as it does for my little girl!
You may also wonder the cost comparison. Here it is:

Large tub of store brand Vaseline $2.99
Target brand desitin $1.79
Mylanta on clearance $1.59
Cornstarch small container .99

This is all assuming you have no coupons it would cost $7.36

After you made one batch you would still have all of your ingredients left to make another. After the second batch you would need more desitin but would still have the other ingredients.

So I would say it costs well below $3.00 a batch compared to $18.99 for Triple Paste.

Now assuming you do use coupons as I do, This is what I paid:

Vaseline $2.99-used $3 Register Reward at Walgreens
=FreeDesitin on clearance at Target for $2.54
-$1 Target coupon
-$1 Desitin coupon

Cornstarch was in my cupboard

Mylanta on clearance at Walgreens for $1.59
-$2 ES coupon
=Better than free
My final cost: $.54!

Have questions? Leave a comment and I’ll reply!



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  1. Wow! I can’t wait to try this! I’m a mom of a two week old little peanut girl, and that Triple Paste costs more than a nice bottle of wine at dinner. 🙂 I’ll try your recipe, and I hope it works as well. 🙂

  2. anonymous,

    I’m so glad you found my recipe! I hope it works as well for you as it does for my little girl. It is the only thing we use on her now-works like a charm! Let me know if it works for you as well!

    Thrifty Minnesota Mama

  3. What is in the Mylenta that makes this recipe work? Now a days there are so many types of products like this I wouldn't know which one to purchase. Regular, extra strength ????


  4. Hi Gail,

    It is the antacid in the Mylanta that makes it work. It can be any antacid, store brand or whatever. Regular strength is fine. It neutralizes the acid in the urine so it doesn't burn the skin. 🙂


  5. I read on the label that Triple Medicated Paste Cream has zinc oxide. Have you ever thought about adding that to your cream? You can purchase a tube of it at CVS or Walgreens.

  6. Thank you SO MUCH Sarah!!!

    I just made this diaper cream about three weeks ago. It works great! Our daughter, Hannah, had a slight rash (just started babyfood-homemade), and this cleared it up by the next diaper change. I have beebn sharing this with other moms and making it for some also. Thank you for this recipe!!!

  7. I have heard rave reviews about triple paste but just wanted to say…be careful about putting petroleum on your babies bottoms! Just an FYI

  8. Anonymous-

    Yes fair enough. The first ingredient in triple paste is white petroleum aka Vaseline. I've used this on Aiden and Danika and find that it is often the only thing that works on their bleeding bottoms. I'd much rather put Vaseline on them than have their little bottoms be bloody and painful. This is just my opinion and what I am comfortable with but of course each mom needs to decide that for herself. Thanks for your feedback.


  9. Ok, While searching for coupons for Triple Paste I found this and I'm exited to go out and buy the stuff to make my own today, my poor little girl has such sensitive skin and Triple Paste is the only thing that clears it up I have to slather her in it before she goes to bed or she wakes up in a horrible rash. Cant wait to give it a try!

  10. Chea,

    I don't mind if you post the recipe as long as you link back to my site in your post and give my site credit as your source. Thanks for asking!


  11. Hi Sarah
    I live in South Africa could you please tell me what cream do use in place of Desitin
    What to use in place of Mylenta
    Would appreciate your help, I will be using this on my husband who has Alzhimers he suffers from Diabeties & he also is incontinent, and suffers from a bad diaper rash
    I rally woud appreciate a reply by email from you
    Thank you & God bless

    1. I don’t believe it would work the same but I’m not sure. I would stick with Mylanta or an equivalent store brand as I know that works.

  12. FYI cornstarch feeds yeast, given that many diaper rashes are due to yeast I strongly suggest people not put it in this paste or anywhere near their babies rash.

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