How to make your own Triple Paste Diaper Cream

I have posted my diaper cream recipe previously but I thought I would post it again as it is truly the best and only diaper cream we use anymore. Let me know what you think!

I don’t know about you but we go through a lot of diaper cream in our house. Especially when my daughter is teething we notice her bottom gets red VERY easily. One product I tried that worked the best was Triple Paste. The price however was not working very well for me. The cheapest I could find it was $18.99 a tub at Target. So I set out to make my own. With a little research I have found a combination that works better than the Triple Paste. Here is the recipe:

1/2 C Vaseline (store brand is cheapest unless you have a coupon)
1/2 tube of Desitin or other creamy diaper cream
2 Tbsp cornstarch
2 Tbsp Mylanta liquid (again unless you have a coupon the store brand is cheapest)

Stir together until creamy. If it seems a little too liquidy I add a little more Desitin.
Apply at every diaper change until rash is completely gone.
Store in an airtight container for later use.

Hope this works as good for you as it does for my little girl!

You may also wonder the cost comparison. Here it is:

Large tub of store brand Vaseline $2.99
Target brand desitin $1.79
Mylanta on clearance $1.59
Cornstarch small container .99

This is all assuming you have no coupons it would cost $7.36
After you made one batch you would still have all of your ingredients left to make another. After the second batch you would need more desitin but would still have the other ingredients. So I would say it costs well below $3.00 a batch compared to $18.99 for Triple Paste.
Now assuming you do use coupons as I do, This is what I paid:

Vaseline $2.99-used $3 Register Reward at Walgreens

Desitin on clearance at Target for $2.54
-$1 Target coupon
-$1 Desitin coupon

Cornstarch was in my cupboard

Mylanta on clearance at Walgreens for $1.59
-$2 ES coupon
=Better than free

My final cost: $.54!

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  1. Thank you for the recipe! Where did you find the recipe?

    I guess I am just wondering about the Mylanta. I wonder what that does in the recipe. (If that makes sense.)

  2. I found a similiar recipe online a while back and have modified it as I use it to work best for me. The Mylanta actually neutralizes the acidity of the urine as it sits against their skin to protect their skin. This diaper cream clears up any rash my daughter has very quickly. Thanks!

    Thrifty Minnesota Mama

  3. Thanks Sarah!

    My son loved his diaper rash cream and it seemed like he was always getting rashes. For some reason, my 6 month old daughters haven't had a lot. I have just had to put some cream on them for the first time in the last week.

    I will make up a batch or at least have the ingredients on hand when I need to use it.

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