13 Gifts To Get Your Mom This Mother’s Day (Based on survey results of what she really wants)!
After surveying over 500 moms with children under the age of 18 we wanted to know what does mom REALLY want for Mother’s Day? The answer might surprise you! When considering what gifts to get your mom this Mother’s Day you better read this first!

Moms said the number one gift they’d most like to receive from their child is a handmade gift. Moms are sappy like that and we love when our kids put effort into creating a masterpiece for us. Not surprisingly, spending the day with our mother-in-law came in last on the list. In fact, many of us resent the fact that our own moms and mother-in-laws steal the day and we still wind up chasing our kids and feeling exhausted by the end of the day. Afterall, the moms with the little ones are in the throws of parenting and are most in need of a well deserved break. Sorry Mom, but I’m a mom now too and you’ve got to share the day with me!
Coming in the number 2 slot in the survey results was TIME OFF from daily duties and responsibilities. That’s right. All we really want is just ONE day off from it all. Pretty easy right? Apparently not, as most moms responded that while that’s at the top of their list, they rarely receive it. At the bottom of their list? Candy, jewelry and breakfast in bed. Now, I’ll admit that if my kids make me breakfast in bed it totally melts my heart so I’m not going to include myself in that result! However, the last thing I want is candy or jewelry. What does mom really want? Try some of these gifts to get your mom that she will actually use! Zero in on her areas of interest and pick one that she’ll love!
If your mom is a foodie and loves to be in her kitchen then this 1byOne digital display kitchen scale will help her precisely bake and cook her favorite dishes. No more guessing how much a cut of meat weighs or how much flour you have in your hand!
If your mom is an essential oil lover (like me!) then she will fall in love with this beautiful essential oil diffuser from 1byOne. I personally own this diffuser and love the elegant look and it also lights up in 7 different LED colors! It’s beautiful.
Here is another one of my personal favorite kitchen gadgets! In fact don’t tell my mother-in-law but she’s getting a pair of these for Mother’s Day! I have this pair of herb scissors and they save me so much time! They quickly chop up herbs with no more effort than a pair of scissors would require. They work like a charm! And they are only $5.99 here (that’s a score because I paid way more!)
If your mom loves the great outdoors then get her this beautiful cooper bird feeder so she can watch the birds come and go out her window!
I have a slight obsession with popcorn. I love it. I eat it daily. If your mom is anything like me then treat her to the BEST popcorn I’ve ever tasted. This Amish Country popcorn is to die for. The flavor is amazing and once you taste this you won’t go back to big name brands anymore!
If your mom is a bookworm then treat her to a Kindle gift card so she can get the latest release she’s been eyeing up!
Help mom escape her busy day with this amazing bath pillow, a box of chocolates and a good book! It’s my favorite way to unwind. Throw in some bath bombs too! She’ll feel like she got a day at the spa.
Want to knock mom’s socks off? Get her time-saving gifts so she has more TIME on her hands because that is what she really wants! Ideas include:
- Cleaning service (even if it is every 2 weeks!)
- Laundry service
- Car detailing and washing
- Grocery delivery
- Meals delivered to her door for a week!
Get mom an online class to learn a new skill! Craftsy is my favorite destination for this and has everything from photography to cake decorating to jewelry making.
No matter what your mom is interested in, make sure you zero in on her interests and you’re sure to select the perfect gift! Above all else, mom just wants a day off so keep that in mind!
Good gift ideas! Thanks for sharing them at Motivation Monday at Mom Home Guide!
Omgosh, sign me up for a cleaning service! That would be phenomenal! Pretty sure that just made it to the top of my wishlist. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday this week!
Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Great list of ideas! I know that my mom would love to have the essential oil diffuser and a bird feeder!
Now you are prepared for next year. Or her birthday!