Aiden’s First Bath!

So Mr. Aiden wasn’t a big fan of his first bath….
But luckily we are the proud owners of a Bath Luve! He enjoyed it a lot more when we put the Bath Luve Fish on 🙂 The rest of the bath went swimmingly haha.

And here is my little bundle in his super soft and cozy Bamboosa towel (which I reviewed during the Baby Shower Bash). I had to show you a pic because it is so soft and one of my faves! His second bath went much better than the first. He actually enjoyed the whole thing 🙂

He is a great baby, slightly colicky but getting better. Now if I could just get him to let me put him down! He likes to be held constantly! Big sister is doing great and is still mommy’s little helper. I’ve been amazed at how well she has done with the transition. There has been very little jealousy and I’m so glad!



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