
Aiden’s Birth Story!

As many of you know I was scheduled for a c-section on Monday, December 21st at 7:30am. We live about an hour from the hospital so we knew we had to get up at 3am to get ready and be there to check in by 5:30am. We had gotten everything ready the night before and went to bed.

At 2am I woke up with contractions and couldn’t sleep anymore so I told my husband I was just going to get up and start getting ready since I couldn’t sleep through my contractions anymore. I got up and took a shower and started getting ready. My contractions were getting stronger so I told my husband that he better get up and get ready too. We left at 3:30am and I was definitely in labor. They were coming every 5 minutes and were very strong.

Little did we know the roads would be terrible! It was snowy and blowing around creating a whiteout condition and terrible roads for driving. It was a long and very tense trip to the hospital which is over 60 miles away. I told my husband he better not go in the ditch or I was afraid we’d be having the baby in the car. He was understandably very nervous trying to keep the car on the road while still getting me to the hospital as quick as possible. He did a wonderful job (through listening to me during my painful contractions!) and got us to the hospital a little before 5am. They got me up to my room and checked my cervix and I was already dilated to 5cm and 95% effaced with the head at +2 position. He was getting ready to come out! They quickly paged the surgical team and got me down to my c-section by 5:30am. By then I was in terrible pain with my contractions and practically begging them to do my spinal before the next contraction came.

My wonderful OB doctor held my hand as I contracted while they placed the spinal and finally I had relief! Aiden made his wonderful arrival at exactly 6am! I was relieved to be done with labor and have a healthy wonderful little boy! Dad was super excited and got to peak over the curtain during my c-section and watch him come out. He was 7 pounds 11 1/2 ounces and 21 inches long.

So Mr. Aiden decided he couldn’t wait a few more hours until the scheduled time 🙂 He was ready to come out a little earlier! Big sister Danika loves him so much and has turned into such a little mommy with him. I am so surprised and delighted at how well she has adjusted to having him home and how much she really loves having him here.


My c-section went so well and I was feeling great. I ended up only staying two nights in the hospital and got to go home on Wednesday. Here is Aiden in his going home outfit 🙂

Here he is in his car seat leaving the hospital. I have to say two must have items in this picture are the JJ Cole Urban Bundleme and the Elephant Ears (review to come!). They made it easy to bundle him and keep him warm and keep his head from slouching.
I had a wonderful birth experience even though I had to go through labor unexpectedly 🙂 I am recovering well and getting into the swing of things. Aiden is a champion nurser and is up to 7 pounds 13 ounces. Now I’m gearing up for the Bringing Home Baby event which starts in January so be sure to grab the button and visit for reviews and giveaways every day! I have tons of great products to share with you!!

Thank you so much for your support and for being such wonderful readers!

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  1. Awwww….he is so beautiful, I know you arent supposed to say this about a boy, but he really IS. And precious pic of your little angels together.
    So glad it's over for you and have the winter to snuggle and all spend time together.
    I miss those days with a tiny bundle in my arms. Enjoy EVERY second!
    You can sleep NEXT year! haha…

    Congrats to a very blessed family!

  2. Thank you so much for all of the wonderful comments! We are loving having him here and I am trying to soak it all up because they grow up WAY too fast!


  3. Sorry I'm so late, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is such a cutie!!! I'm glad everything worked out well for you. I was away from my computer most of the Christmas season, (and am just now getting caught up) but I kept thinking "I wonder if she's had her baby yet!" I hope you've been able to get into a good schedule and are getting plenty of sleep. 🙂

  4. I am late, late, late but wanted to say Congrats! Thanks for sharing your birth story. I can only imagine how stressful that car drive must have been. Ah! But, sounds like everything turned out perfectly.

    Congrats! Aiden is beautiful.1

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