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Nursery Makeover Challenge! Making A Special Space For Our Special Boy Due this August!

As many of you know I am pregnant with my third child, a boy, due this August! We can’t wait to welcome him into our home and as with many pregnant mamas one big thing on my mind is decorating his nursery. Decorating the nursery is so much fun and being that this is likely our last baby I am certainly not going to miss out on this experience. I can’t wait to make him his own special space in our home!

I was chosen to participate in the Chase Blueprint Baby Challenge and I am so excited to participate in it! I will be given $2,000 to do a nursery makeover for our newest arrival! There are three expecting moms (including myself) participating in the challenge and at the end of it all you will be able to vote for your favorite makeover! Each of us will have a chance at one of three prizes based on your votes and will win at least $500!! I’m so excited to take you on my journey of making a very special space for our third child! You can check out all three of us on Parents website!

This is the space we will be doing our big nursery makeover on. Right now it is functioning as our playroom and holds all of the kids’ toys. It used to be our son Aiden’s room so it is already blue!

One thing I am very conscientious about is budget. While I want to create a special place for our baby to come home to I also have to stay on budget and track my spending. Being a stay at home mom I’ve learned to budget my money and use it wisely. For my big nursery makeover I will be using my Chase Slate card which comes with a free set of features called Blueprint. Blueprint helps you to track and manage your spending so that you can stay on budget and manage your payments on time and pay things off by your goal date. Blueprint is easy to set up and use and I’m excited to utilize the tools to keep me on track as I makeover the nursery.

In thinking of a theme for the nursery I threw around so many different ideas. One thing that I know is that I don’t want this nursery to be too “baby-ish”. I want to invest my money into products that will last and grow with the baby. With Danika and Aiden growing up so fast it has made me realize just how quickly they grow up and grow out of things. I want to spend the majority of my budget on items that we can use with him even as he grows into his toddler years.

I finally settled on a transportation theme! It will be all things that move, airplanes, cars, trucks, trains, you name it! It is a very “boy” theme and something that he will still love when he is older too. Once I had my theme picked out it was time to start window shopping. There are so many things to think of and plan, the necessities, the splurges and the little touches that make the room special.

Part of this fun budgeting for baby challenge is using the Chase Slate card with Blueprint. I’m looking forward to using the Blueprint tools. There are 4 tools to use once you’ve made your purchases: Full Pay, Split, Finish It and Track It. One feature I love about the Chase Slate Card with Blueprint is that you can use it for a big project such as this nursery makeover and still use it for all of your everyday purchases as well. With their full pay feature you can decide what expenses you want to pay in full each month such as groceries and gas. It will set aside those purchases each month so you can pay them in full and avoid paying interest on your everyday purchases even when I carry a balance from other purchases.

The Blueprint Split tool will help me pay off the big purchases such as the crib. With split I can select the number of payments I want to make or the monthly payment to help me pay it down faster and save money on interest.

I’m so excited to decorate the nursery and I can’t wait to share my journey with you! I am planning a fun and useful space for the baby. I want lots of storage because in my world storage equals organization! If everything has it’s place then there is less mess and clutter and the room can stay neat. Storage is something that will grow with my baby and will be a great investment. I also know that I definitely want a comfortable glider because I LOVE rocking my babies and gliders are perfect for those middle of the night nursing sessions too.

Follow along as I take on the Chase Blueprint Baby Challenge!


*I was provided with $2,000 to use for my nursery makeover by Chase. At the end of this contest I will have a chance to win $500, $1500 or $3000 based on the number of votes I receive. My opinions are my own.

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  1. I know I posted on fb too but let me know if you would like me to take some pics of the transportation mobiles at a shop here. Good luck!!

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