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Is It A Boy? My Ultrasound in 3D!! Plus bonus entry opportunity!


As many of you know we played a fun little guessing game this week. I showed you my ultrasound pictures and had you guess if it was a boy or a girl. Well I believe all but one of you guessed a boy and yes, the indication is that I am having a little boy! Great guesswork everyone! If you guessed a boy then you got your 2 extra entries into the giveaway of your choice! Congrats!

Now we are all quite familiar with the typical 2D ultrasound as shown above but have you ever seen your baby in 3D or 4D?? I was lucky enough to get to experience that at Enlightened 4D Imaging in Bloomington, MN. They offer private 3D/4D ultrasound services and I have to tell you both my husband and I were blown away by their facility and their friendly but professional service.

Enlightened 4D Imaging boasts a lot of services that are unparalleled in MN. It is the only facility that I would trust with performing these skilled services.

•All scans performed by certified technician
•Enlightened 4D imaging is the ONLY MN provider to have access to a board certified OB
•Enlightened 4D Imaging is the ONLY MN provider to have medical oversight that ensures both yours and your babies SAFETY is at the forefront of everything we do.
•Enlightened 4D is the ONLY MN provider to have the most advanced ultrasound system, the GE E8 Expert!!!

Here is the awesome 3D image that we captured of our little guy! If you click on the image it will enlarge so you can see it better. I have to tell all of you pregnant mamas that this experience was amazing and I would recommend it to every pregnant mama. This is likely our last child and I’m so glad I got to experience this. It is so special and creates a great bond between you and your baby. Getting to see that this little baby actually looks like a baby at just 4 months blows my mind! What a cool peak into my belly.

Let me tell you this is nothing like your doctors visit either. They have a huge, comfy table to lay on that has a nice cushion and really is probably the size of a twin bed! It is very comfortable and you lay there staring at a screen with the ultrasound images that is the size of the entire wall! My husband and I couldn’t believe just how huge the screen was. Nothing like the tiny T.V. screen we try and squint to see at our doctor’s office. You won’t miss a thing with the huge screen displaying the images and you won’t have to crane your neck to see it either!

This photo is not my baby as I’m not far enough along yet for my little guy to have that much baby fat filling him out 🙂 This is the image you can see of your baby when you are further along in your pregnancy though! It really gives you a look at your baby’s facial features. It’s like getting to meet your baby before they come out!

Not only were the facilities and technology top rate but the staff were absolutely welcoming and so friendly. We were immediately put at ease and felt so comfortable there. Enlightened 4D Imaging and Photography is a family owned business. The husband end of the team, Jon is an ultrasound technician certified in obstetric ultrasound and has worked in a professional capacity for the last 10 years. His wife Sheri is an absolutely amazing photographer. We were able to check out her photos and I have to tell you I have never seen such adorable newborn photos in my life. They are unbelievable.

Enlightened 4D Imaging also offers pre and post pregnancy massage. We checked out the facility and first of all I’d love to have the couch in my living room as it is amazing. The massage table is out of this world. It has cutouts for everything so although you may be 9 mos pregnant you can actually lay on your belly! That in itself is amazing 🙂 This is a great gift idea for all those husbands out there 😉

I have to tell you that after researching and searching out the best facility in Minnesota to have a private ultrasound this is it. They have the most experienced staff, best technology available and the BEST PRICES around! I highly recommend them! This whole experience was so memorable!

Bonus Entry Opportunities!

Have you had a 3D/4D ultrasound? Did you have a great experience? Did you know you could go and get one at a private facility? Tell me your experience for 2 extra entries in the giveaway of your choice.

Want to see what happens in real time when mom eats a piece of chocolate? How do you think the baby reacts? We’ve got the video to show you exactly what happens and let me tell you it is really pretty cool 🙂 What’s your guess? Everyone that guesses correctly gets 4 extra entries into the giveaway of your choice 🙂



*Although these services were provided to me free of charge my opinions are 100% my own. I’d gladly pay for these services after seeing how amazing they are!

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  1. I have never had a 3D/4D ultrasound, but I have twice-weekly 2D ultrasounds right now for my little one as I am on bed rest through the end of my pregnancy. Boo.

    Still, it's so fun to see my little gal twice a week and yesterday we could even pick out her face and see that her eyes were open. So cool!

    If I had the opportunity to get a 3D/4D ultrasound for free, though, I'd totally jump at the chance!

  2. As for what happens – something seriously happens in real time? I thought for sure that it would take a little while to get to baby. Maybe baby would just get startled by the sound of the stomach digesting…that's my guess.

  3. I had a 3D/4D ultrasound with my first baby 3 years ago but it wasn't for fun – it's because they thought they saw something wrong on the 2D ultrasound. I was SO worried the whole time that I didn't really enjoy the time leading up to it obviously but once I was there and they told me everything was normal I was able to enjoy it. It was awesome and I loved the pictures I got and being able to see her clearly. It's a really nice thing to do while you're waiting the eternity it takes for baby to "cook". 🙂

  4. I've never had a 3D/4D ultrasound but I want one SO badly for my next baby! I think it's an amazing keepsake!

    My guess would be that that the baby either goes wild or falls asleep from a sugar induced coma 😉

  5. My mother in law treated us to one with my last pregnancy and it was awesome. Congratulations on having a boy!

  6. I always wanted to have a 3D/4D but didn't and now I am bummed about it. Oh well.

    As far as the chocolate….my guess is the baby "woke up" and started moving. I had a lot of non-stress test when I was pregnant and if the baby did not move after a period of time I would eat a piece of chocolate.

    Congrats on another boy!

  7. I got a 3D/4D sono with my daughter. We have a sonography school at a local college and we got the sono with a DVD and printouts for $30! It was an amazing experience!

  8. We had that ultrasound done with both of your boys. We always thought the pics are amazing and they look like cute little aliens! Both of my boys were a surprise but I had one these ultrasounds done a week before my second son was born and it gave so much detail that I guessed that he was a boy after seeing a picture of his face!
    I'll guess girl just to be different!

  9. My OB has a 3D machine so I had them with both of my girls. They are pretty cool even if the baby looked a little like an alien (like you said at 20 weeks there isn't much in the way of fat to make them look like little babies)

    The downside for me is when you go in for a 'routine' ultrasound they don't really sit and let you watch your baby for very long (my OBs office was always busy so it was very much on a timeline)

    We don't have a place that does ultrasounds for fun up here, but it's something I wish I could have done, would just be so fun to see your little one and get to "meet" them before they are born.

  10. I've never had a 3D/4D ultrasound, but I did know they were available. I go back and forth though on if I want one because in a way, I like the surprise of not knowing exactly what the baby looks like.

    As for the chocolate…I'm guessing the baby started moving just with the action of you eating??

  11. That is too cool, I never had a 3d/4d ultrasound and really wanted one with my last two babies. Maybe if I ever get preggo again I will make the trek to get mine done (four hours away0

  12. i havent had a 4D ultrasound – just the regular ones. i did kno that its a private facility. your experience sounds like the bloomington place was quite nice!

    reall-time effects of mom eating chocolate…huh – i didn't kno it was that fast! my guess is the baby gets more active. =)

    ssqueakert at aol dot com

  13. How exciting! I had them done at my doc's office with both of my kids. They told me Isabella was a boy early on…lol..they were wrong!

  14. Amazing! You can see your little fellow waving his little hand.
    I would guess that when you eat chocolate he would become active from the caffeine and maybe smile a bit too 🙂

  15. We had a 3D ultra sound with our daughter…it was just something the ob had in their office, and I thought everybody got one! (It was SOOOO cool to get to see our little girl like that!) I was disappointed when I found out with our next baby, that we wouldn't have one, since it was a different doctor!

  16. Congratulations! I've never had a 4-D done, but have wanted to, especially now, since it's not clear whether I'll be having a boy or girl. The tech thought it was a boy, but the feet were covering, um, the important parts. 🙂

    Hope your pregnancy is going well!

  17. Congrats on the little boy! We did have a 3D and went to a private u/s center for it. It was amazing seeing our little guy in 3D! That has to be one of the greatest things to see during pregnancy! My sister got 3D's all the time when she was pregnant, just at her regular hospital. She was high risk so they did them often and they had a 3D machine so she got lucky to get them free to her as the insurance covered them.

  18. I've never has a 3D ultrasound, but I've had a high definition one totake a closer look at the baby's body. #D looks cool.
    I think the baby falls asleep when you eat chocolate. Maybe it soothes them…we'll see!

  19. I didn't have a 3D or 4D ultrasound done, although I had a bazillion "regular" ones done when I was pregnant with the twins. My guess is that chocolate wakes the baby up (and makes the mama really happy).

  20. I think baby becomes more active and lively! I want to see the video! 🙂

    I remember reading about a study which suggested that women who consumed chocolate (in moderation) during pregnancy had happier babies than women who did not eat chocolate during pregnancy, lol!

  21. Yes I have had a 3D/4D ultrasound. I had one done with my first child at a private facility. We were in Hawaii at the time and under military health insurance and they wouldn't cover the 3D/4D unless it was medically necessary. So this being my first child and the first grandchild for both sets of grandparents, we decided to splurge and get the 3d/4d ultrasound. It was really nice because I a lot of my family lives in Hawaii and most of them were able to experience it first hand with me. No one else had had one done before! It was a really neat experience being able to actually see facial features and everything! I didn't do it with my 2nd because money was tight and my radiologist flipped it into 3d mode for a quick picture when i was having my 25 week ultrasound done.

    i'm putting the 2 extra entries into the safety 1st car seat giveaway

  22. I would think that eating chocolate would make your baby become more active. The tech who did my 3D/4D ultrasound gave me some juice to make the baby more active during my ultrasound because she said that the sugar makes them move around more.

    anita {dot} truck {at} gmail {dot} com

  23. I had the 4d done w/my 1st pregnancy at my ob-gyn. I have to say hubby and I enjoyed being able to see our baby who we were eagerly waiting to meet, but the overall experience was just "okay". Seeing our son's face w/all it's uniqueness only made us frett over the little things. We knew for sure he had hubby's nose, which is quite large, but we felt it was the size of an adult nose on the 4d LOL and were concerned out baby would look funny. Thankfully, that ended up not being the case once baby boy was here, but it made us to decide not to go the 4d route w/baby #2. 🙂

  24. I purchased a 3D/4D ultrasound package for my husband for Father’s Day this year and am so glad that I did so. Our whole experience with your company was 100% positive and fun! Jon was entertaining to say the least and did a great job explaining everything he was showing us. We could not believe how clear the images were and there are no words to describe the experience of getting to see our little boy on your big projector screen. Now we are more excited than ever for his arrival, and are so grateful to have such beautiful images to hold us over until his delivery date. I would recommend Enlightened Imaging to anyone & everyone who is expecting their own bundle of joy! 🙂

    1. *mistype…meant to say “Our whole experience with their company was 100% positive and fun” whoops! 🙂

      1. I’m so glad to hear that you had a great experience Laurel! I have to say that all of the times I visited them were amazing! It was so neat to see Carson on the big screen! If you haven’t done a prenatal massage by them yet then I highly recommend gifting yourself with one! I loved it!! Thanks for stopping by to share your experience!

  25. wow that 3d ultrasound is incredible. I have had two and they were 2d. I would love to find someone to do that for me.

  26. I would not use Enlightened for 3D images. I had 3D pictures taken with my three older sons at a different place that all came out well even though thy didn’t always want to cooperate. Enlightened has gotten the newer tech which shows you everything. It’s supposed to show more details but if anything is in the way you get nothing. I spent $175 and went three times and still have zero useable shots of my daughter. So disappointed.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that you had a disappointing experience with them. My experiences personally have been nothing but great! Have you spoken with them about returning again for images? I hope they will resolve this for you!

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