
Free Online Preschool Curriculum! Daily Classes & Free Printables!

*This is a sponsored campaign with Mums the Word Network and Chalk Preschool . All opinions are my own.

I am planning on homeschooling my son Aiden who has a life threatening peanut allergy. We aren’t satisfied with our school’s lack of policy concerning his allergy and their lack of experience in dealing with kids with life threatening allergies. So in an effort to avoid him being the kid they experiment with as the first with a deadly allergy, we plan on homeschooling until he is old enough to look after his own allergy needs and keep himself safe. He just turned four years old last month so he would be entering preschool next year. I have begun doing some activities here and there with him but don’t plan on fully immersing in a daily preschool curriculum until next year. I have been scouring the Internet to find resources to help guide me along in what I should be teaching him. I found a fabulous and FREE online preschool curriculum that we’ve been using and we really like it so far.

Chalk Preschool Free Online

Chalk Preschool online is a free resource for parents. I have to say that I’m slightly amazed that it is free. It includes free printables and daily lessons with videos and hands on activities. There aren’t any ads incorporated into the free online preschool activities (which I expected with a free service) and it’s a great resource to guide me as a parent in teaching my child. You still need to do the hands on with your child, afterall that is what preschool is all about, but the guidance they give is just what I was looking for.

Chalk months and seasons

Signing up for a free account was extremely easy and took only minutes (if that!). Then we were able to start the day’s lessons. Each child is placed in their own “classroom” based on their age. Aiden was placed in the Orange classroom.

Free online preschool

I printed off the printables and gathered the kids for preschool. Danika was home from Kindergarten because we had a snow day so she got to try it too! First they watched the provided videos and it was great watching Danika answer along as she is older and already knows the answers. This was good guidance for Aiden to learn how to participate in the videos. They danced with the song and sat and listened to the seasons and weather video. We then watched the art and science videos before wrapping up and moving things to the kitchen table.

Free online preschool curriculumWe then used the free printables to chart the daily weather and learn about the letter “Y”. We colored the “Y” yellow since yellow begins with Y. There was also a craft project to go with the daily lesson but we were out of cotton balls! Next time I will be more prepared. They have a materials list that you can print out and be sure you have everything on hand.

All in all I think Chalk Preschool is a great resource for anyone planning to either homeschool or just augment your child’s learning. It’s nice to have a daily routine and a guide to learning. Chalk provides daily videos that reinforce learning weather, seasons, the alphabet, months and more. I love that they can supplement the activities that I do with Aiden. I will definitely be taking advantage of their free online preschool curriculum.

You can get more of the latest news from Chalk on the Chalk Preschool Blog and the Chalk Preschool Newsroom. You can also “like” Chalk on Facebook. I found them to be very helpful through Facebook. We had an issue with the art project video not playing correctly and after commenting about it on their Facebook page they quickly fixed it. They had great customer service!

What are some of your favorite free online resources for preschool curriculum? I’d love to hear your ideas as I prepare to homeschool Aiden!

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  1. I’ve been checking out stuff online too. There aren’t a lot of totally free curriculums out there…but ABC Jesus Loves Me has a great program that I’ve pulled this and that from. Thanks for the info. about Chalk…I will definitely check this out! We can’t afford preschool (hubby is already working two jobs for me to stay at home) so I’m hopeful that I can find some great activities for my daughter.

  2. This will be perfect for occupying my 3 year old who wants to be in the middle of things. She tends to be more of a distraction for my others so this will be good for her! I homeschool my kindergartener and 2nd grader, and little sis just wants to do school too, of course. 🙂

  3. My daughter is 3 and moves up from nursery to pre-school this September. It’s great to have some fun educational crafts to do with her throughout the summer.

  4. this is amazing and yes, I agree…I cannot believe it’s free!! we homeschool and I’m always looking for resources. I’ve got a 3 month old who one day will join our table…definitely pinning this!

  5. I love all of the online resources these days! I printed out some similar things during our Christmas break and the following snow days to keep the boys stimulated and learning!

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