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6 Night-Before-School Hacks To Save Your Sanity

This post has been sponsored by General Mills. All thoughts and opinions are my own.



There is nothing worse than a chaotic morning to kick off the day. Use these night-before-school hacks to save your sanity and give you a peaceful morning to kick off the day.


back to school hacks


Why You Need These Night-Before-School Hacks

If you’ve visited my blog before, then you’ll know that, while I am a laid back mom of four, I like organization and order. I used to be a very type A person and I still am, but four kids makes you relax a bit because you just don’t have time to sweat the small stuff. One thing that drives me nuts, though, is chaotic mornings. I hate sending my kids out the door to school in a whirlwind of chaos. It is totally possible to get four kids out the door to school without the chaos! Rejoice because these night-before-school hacks have saved my sanity. I’m willing to bet they’ll save yours, too! I’ll show you how I pack lunches in no time with handy hacks like freezing Go-GURT® the night before school so I can pack one in each child’s lunch and they’ll thaw by lunchtime along with other time-saving hacks!


gogurt lunch ideas

Night-Before-School Hacks

Mornings tend to be hectic while nights are less crazy. It’s the perfect time to do these night-before-school hacks, and it will save you loads of time in the morning. Pick a couple or do them all!


frozen gogurt


Freeze Go-GURT® the Night Before

The night before school, throw the Go-GURT in the freezer. In the morning, take it out and into the lunchbox it goes. It will be thawed and the perfect temperature by lunchtime! I put the whole box in my freezer so they are always frozen and ready to go. Then I can easily grab one for each child’s lunch as I’m packing them. I buy the 16-count value packs at Walmart which leads me to my next hack.


Use Online Grocery Pick Up The Night Before

Skip stressful grocery shopping trips or toting your toddler along for a grocery run. Use Walmart’s online grocery pick up instead. Just go online and add items to your cart. Pull up to the grocery pickup parking spots and they’ll even load the groceries into your car! It’s the most amazing solution for parents since sliced bread. What mom wants to dredge through the grocery store with kids in tow? Not this one! Save yourself time and frustration by using this grocery hack.


cut and portion fruit for lunches


Cut and Portion Fruit On Sunday Night

I always cut and portion fruit on Sunday nights. I portion it out into glass jars, and it will stay fresh in the fridge all week! This saves me so much time and allows my family to grab healthy snacks from the fridge because it is already washed, cleaned and sliced.


make ahead pb&j


Freeze PB&J* Sandwiches the Night Before

Skip the morning frenzy of making sandwiches and make them the night before or make enough for the whole week on Sunday night. Put them in sandwich bags and freeze. They’ll thaw in your child’s lunchbox by lunchtime.

*or an appropriate nut-free alternative like sunflower seed butter!


pick outfits out ahead of time


Pick Out Clothes The Night Before

I hate picking out clothes for each of my kids the morning of school. I also detest when they pick out an outfit and come out of their room completely mismatched or wearing a dirty shirt from the day before. We have solved this dilemma by picking out clothes the night before school. I pick outfits for my younger kids while my older kids choose outfits and I approve them (or make adjustments). I use these handy printable clothes hanger tags for each day of the week. I pick out the outfit and hang the day of the week hanger tag on each outfit. I like to do the whole week on Sunday nights but the night before works, too. Print the free hanger tags here.


pack a week of lunches


Pack a Week of Lunches on Sunday Night

I like to pack a week of lunches for the kids on Sunday night. I use bento style containers and choose foods that hold up well and don’t get soggy in the fridge. This enables me to be able to grab their lunch and save time and frustration in the morning. Choose foods like ham/turkey/cheese, crackers, fruit, freezer PB&J, frozen Go-GURT and carrots/ranch.




Save your sanity and use these night-before-school hacks to make your mornings less hectic. You’ll find that peaceful mornings are a much more enjoyable way to begin your day!


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6 night before school hacks

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  1. These are really good ideas. I definitely remember freezing Go-gurts for my childrens’ lunches. I like that they help keep everything else in the lunchbox a little cooler as they thaw.

  2. I am all for getting everything ready the night before. My son is 14 and he does it himself but I always make sure he does get it done.

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