The Elves Are At It Again!

This year Danika and Aiden wrote a letter to the North Pole asking Santa to send them some of his elves. Santa obligued their request and sent us Mitchell and Meredith but we only get to have them around until Christmas Eve and then they must return to the North Pole. I have to say they sure have been fun to have around and the kids have been loving waking up to see what nightly adventures or “elfcapades” the elves have been embarking on. Here are a few of the things they’ve been up to this week!
One morning the kids woke up to find them sitting in the tree with half eaten candy canes!

Mitchell was snacking on a candy cane!

And Meredith’s candy cane was almost gone!

Since the elves like to have ice water and crackers every night (ice water comes from melted snowflakes and crackers remind them of crunchy snow) we put them to bed with their snack in their little pouches they arrived from the North Pole in and woke up to find the crackers and ice water all gone and so were the elves!

Luckily Danika spotted them in the fridge holding her and Aiden’s milk cups!


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  1. Adorable and SO much fun! We have an elf friend (Oliver) but he hasn't caused a lot of problems yet. I think he will start getting into mischief on Friday when the kids start their Christmas break.

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